Wednesday, October 17, 2007

regional vocabulary

Words and phrases which may or may not confuse you, depending on your where you're from.

Homesteading = when someone pretty much stops their car before turning it around a corner.
-I was commenting to Sam the other day that the guy in front of us was "homesteading the corner" and he gave me a funny look. Maybe I got it from my mother, who is a Buckeye.

Cornhole = a game similar to horseshoe where teams take turns trying to throw a little bean bag though a hole in a platform made out of plywood.
-This is huge at IU, especially this Homecoming Weekend when the World's Largest Cornhole Competition will take place. I had never heard of this as a legitimate game other than "bean bag toss" until I got here. It reminds me of when my stepfather used to tell us to "shut your piehole!" Or was it cakehole...Either way, dessert.

Euchre = card game similar to Hearts or Spades, mostly found in the Midwest but spreading across the country due to Yahoo! Games.

1 comment:

sam said...

to be fair, cornhole is an offshoot of washers which is something like horseshoes.

other cool names for one's mouth: wordhole, facehole.

i learned euchre in the eighth grade, before al gore invented the internet.