I then went back to sleep for longer than I should have. I work up refreshed but hurried for my first day as an AI (Associate Instructor). My first task was to make sure there were enough books available in the bookstores for all 120 students taking the class. That meant frenzied bike rides across campus to all three bookstores. I had not known about the third one. I could have lived without knowing about the third one and its location on the far side of campus to which only freshman go.
Today was only the first day of lecture, so I did not have to do much other than hand out syllabuses and be introduced. I'm sure it is unprofessional of me to write about students and such, but let me tell you, the stereotypes about freshmen are correct. They really don't know:
a) how to read
b) how to listen
c) or how to do their own studying.
One asked if the teacher was going to post all of the notes online. What? So you don't ever come to class and only learn what's on the power point? I don't think so!
More and more students are coming into college these days having been spoon fed material in high school and babied by their parents. I just want to laugh at them constantly for their stupidity. But it would only come back to torment me, since starting on Friday, I will be in charge of making them learn, and it will not be easy.
I know the plural of syllabus is syllabi. But the little red line underneath my misspelled words does not. And I have come to trust this little piece of technology so much...
Why didn't you just call all three bookstores? It would have taken much less time, and you wouldn't need to complain about where they are.
Also, where are they? There is the one in the Union, one at 3rd and Jordan (I think those are the names) and is there one in a dorm?
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