Wednesday, November 5, 2008

wine 101: step 2

STEP 2: Make the must.
Once your fruit is ready, you can begin to make the must. Put one gallon of water into your large pot. (I use my one gallon fermentation vessel to measure how much water is one gallon.) Add your fruit to the pot and turn the heat on high. Once the water is boiling, turn the heat to medium and start timing. Boil the fruit for about 15 minutes (you don't have to be exact.) Turn off the heat.

In order to save time, I often start my pot of water boiling as I'm peeling my fruit. The water boils a little by itself, and I add the fruit as I get finished with each piece. I start the timer when all my fruit is in the pot. I like to tell myself that the extra boiling time for the water makes absolutely sure that I've gotten out all of the chemicals that might be in my tap water.


Sarah Loos said...

What is the ratio of water to fruit? I've been inspired by your blog, and I'm thinking about starting some wine to be ready on my 21st birthday!

Laura said...

I could have sworn I was being as explicit as possible, but it seems that I did not actually reiterate in the steps some of the things I mentioned in the ingredients list.

1 quart of fruit to 1 gallon of water. But the more fruit, the stronger the flavor of the wine.

Laura said...

Sorry, that sounded a little snotty. It is difficult to write clear instructions for something I've done so often now...

When is your birthday? I should be done with all the really necessary instructions by the 14th. You should give your wine 1.5 to 2 months from start to finish. If you need to start earlier, let me know and I'll send you secret instructions.

Sarah Loos said...

that's okay, I often don't read directions carefully enough. My birthday is Feb 15, so I should be able to finish in time.