Wednesday, November 2, 2011

stone disc

Tonight was the start of winter league for the La Crosse Curling Club.

Sam and I tried out curling last year as a new winter sport after Ultimate was finished, and we liked it enough to join a league this year. Our first night on the ice was pretty successful. Our team won 8-1, and I put half of my stones in the house, which is a great improvement over last year.

I also got a refresher on some curling vocabulary.

stone: the 40lb thick stone disc we push across the ice
sheet: the curling court
one end: when all the stones have been pushed toward one target
hurry: sweep the ice in front of the stone
house: the circular target on each end of the ice
skip: person who directs the thrower where to aim

Here's hoping next week is even more successful!

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