Monday, September 10, 2007

old friends and rivals

Several years ago, I was a member of the coed Ultimate team Slow White during their inaugural year of existence. Soon, though, I went off to Japan, and the following year they went to Nationals. I will not lie: I was bitter. I've followed their success (two trips to Nationals and one to Worlds) all the time thinking what it would have been like for me if I had only stayed in Boston...

This weekend I was once again playing with a team in its first year, State Fair, at their first Chicago Heavyweights Championships. And who should we meet but my old team, Slow White! I'm not going to say it was a super competitive game, because it wasn't. Slow White has worked together longer than we have. But it was lots of fun playing against old teammates, chatting on the sidelines, and heckling people whose secrets I still remember from years ago.

State Fair ended the tournament tied for 7th place, while Slow White went on to win the whole thing. I was very jealous.

1 comment:

*MP* said...

If you need me to come beat them in shotgun boat races, just give me a call. I could always school those kids.