Sunday, May 7, 2006

the daily journal

It is too often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and lately I’ve been reciting that phrase as I update my website. It is mostly laziness that has induced me to paste a few photos and their captions instead of writing a few paragraphs, but I have to say that listing my daily schedule for you all to read is not at all appealing. If you must know what I’ve been doing during my vacation, I’ll highlight a few events:

Looking at flowers
The surprise here is that despite the walls of flowers surrounding me, there was no scent. Why is it that so many Japanese flowers do not have an odor?

Playing tennis
Tennis is very popular in Japan, I think. I, however, do not have the talent to play, and consequently donated a few balls to the neighboring farmer’s field.

There is this delicacy in Japan that consists of barbequing a snail-like animal in its shell with soy sauce and then pulling the length of its twisted, muscled body out of its home to chew chew chew it up. One sixth of the the critter is tasty, the rest, that is, the part with the intestines and internal organs, is bitter and nasty. And yet, they all ate it with no problem. I almost threw up.

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