Monday, August 13, 2007

beer bracket

This weekend was my fourth Ultimate tournament in a row, Mad-disc-on in Madison, Wisconsin. Once again, Sam and I joined forces with the Madtown Boozehounds, who were in their native element for this tournament. Our record for the day (2-3) did not reflect that two of those lost games were quite close, but we still ended up in the Loser's "Beer" Bracket for Sunday. This, of course, gave us the opportunity to do what the Boozehounds do best on Saturday night.

The Essen Haus is a famous German bar in downtown Madison which offers beer served in your choice of a mug, a 1 liter boot, a 2 liter boot, or a 5 liter stein. Being that Beerfest was happening in Madison on Saturday, the overflow of visitors took all of the boots, so our table was forced to drink a five liter stein. We quite enjoyed our evening of German beer and polka dancing.

On Sunday we joined Soy Nuts (the most fun and spirited team in the world) in arriving at the fields an hour late. The outcome of the game was determined before it was even started, and ended with us "winning with the score of 2-2." We played Bad Fish for 9th place, and despite trying very hard, the lack of any women subs kept us from winning. We only lost by a few points, though.

Another successful tournament under my belt, and according to my approximate count, it makes the 51st Ultimate tournament in which I have participated!

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