Wednesday, June 18, 2008

fruit season

I've been doing a lot with fruit lately. Sam's mom gave me the recipe for a wonderful rhubarb sauce that goes over ice cream or with crepes. I added some strawberries and it was fabulous.

Our backyard has three mulberry trees, and last night Sam and I went out and collected a big bowl full to make a similar sauce. In the process, I stained my feet and fingers a lovely shade of purple. I'm wondering if I could do as those in the olden days did and dye some of my clothes in the same way. I don't have anything particular I want to be made purple, but I might try some socks just for the heck of it.

I also made some watermelon popsicles, which are amazingly good for summer afternoons. Just crush up the fruit in a blender and pour it into some molds. I love summer fruits.

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