Friday, November 21, 2008

wine 101: asian pear

A little rant - Occasionally I sell some of my unwanted books on A couple of weeks ago, I sold one on Japanese folk tales to some guy. I mailed it out, got paid through amazon, and I was happy. Today, the book returned to me in the mail with a note saying, "This wasn't the book I thought it was." Really? Because on you can LOOK INSIDE THE BOOK! It's not like you are going into this purchase blind. But now I have to refund this guy all of his money because he is stupid and that's the policy. I am annoyed.

Asian Pear Wine
Date Started: July 20, 2008

- asian pears (nashi in Japanese) - 6 small very ripe, juicy seconds
- sugar - 4 cups
- yeast - approx. 1/4 of the packet
- vessel - plastic gallon milk jug

Used sugar formula to determine amount of sugar to use.
Stirred yeast in immediately.

Date Bottled: October 4, 2008
- yield - .85 gallons

Re-racked: October 6, 2008 (was in a hurry and forgot to strain the first time!)

*This is my second-best wine, I believe. It is dry, but crisp and clean. A friend said it reminded her of sake, and I can see why she said that.

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