Wednesday, November 19, 2008

wine 101: mulberry

Sam and I joined the YMCA so we could stay in shape over the winter when Ultimate is not available to us. I like it because it is only a five minute bike ride from my house, and they have all these different classes! I've decided to go to yoga twice a week for sure, but on the other days, I'm trying out other classes. I tried Pilates on Monday, and I think I'll go to Zumba on Friday. I'm going to be very sore.

Mulberry Wine

Date Started: June 28, 2008

- mulberries - approx. 1 quart, de-stemmed
- sugar - 6 cups
- yeast - approx. 1/3 of a package (this is before I figured out that 1/2 tsp is a good amount)
- vessel - wide-mouth glass gallon

- Let the yeast set for 15 minutes on top of juice before stirring in.
- Probably finished one week prior, but let sit just in case.

Date Bottled: August 1, 2008
- approx. yield - not quite 3/4 of a gallon

* This is probably my best wine, maybe because it has set for so long. It is very sweet, but very smooth. A lot of my wine has a "homemade" flavor (I think), but it is very faint in this one. I still have a little under 1/2 gallon left, because I am saving it for when my diploma comes. (Hopefully next week!) I have a sip every once and a while to see how it's progressing.

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