Tuesday, November 18, 2008

wine 101: keeping a log

This might have been something to mention way back before I even started with Step 1, but if you plan on making wine for awhile, it might be a good idea to keep a log of your winemaking process. Writing down the ingredients, measurements, and dates associated with each wine will allow you to evaluate your results and tweak things for the next batch.

In my log, I record the following things:
-Date started
-What kind and how much fruit
-How much sugar
-How much yeast
-What fermenting vessel I used
-Notes on the process
-Date bottled
-Any other things I end up doing to the wine (re-racking, tasting, re-fermenting)

For the next couple of days, I'm going to put my wine log up here. This might be helpful as recipes of sorts and to give you an idea of what results I've had with certain fruits and sugar amounts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will drink your wine but WILL NOT think about the notorious slug who got his picture on your label. In my book, he is delegated to less conspicuous places. Love, Grandma