Saturday, June 8, 2013


It's been a crazy two months since my last post.  Here's the rundown.

Millie's foot improved, she got back to full strength, and then on the way to a tournament where she would have the run of fields and forests, she pulled the tendons surrounding her previously injured toe.  We thought she had rebroken the toe, but thankfully not.  Instead, she can run all she wants until she starts limping, which is longer and longer every time.

We have traveled for Ultimate 10 of the past 13 weekends.  This includes coaching our college women, Observing the College Championship Series, and playing a few fun tournaments.  This year is going to be a big year for tournament counts.

We also started a Summer League for Ultimate in La Crosse.  Thursday was our first game, and despite the giant mud puddles, we can deem it a success.

The rain and our frequent absences meant we didn't get our garden planted until this past week, but now we have hops, basil, tomato, cauliflower, broccoli, wax beans, snap peas, peppers, and bunch of herbs and greens populating (or germinating) our garden.

Sam has made great inroads with our landscaping.  I helped put in the new tree, but he fixed the garden fence, set up the rainbarrels, dealt with dirt, the garage, and the rocks, and generally kept up with everything outside.  I am envious that he has the summer off and can spend the time outside, while I sit in my little office in front of a computer screen.

Plans for the rest of the summer include a decent number of tournaments, fixing some things in and out of the house, brewing a little beer, and attempting to find time to read a book.

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