It has been a crazy few months in the Meyer/Wood/Brewster household, and the blog has been neglected. But never fear, NaBloPoMo is almost here.
As a test run for this fancy posting-by-smartphone thing that I may attempt more than once this upcoming month, I give you a photo of the dog, the yellow bench, and the result of our mystery volunteer - a pumpkin!
"Meyer/Wood/Brewster" household?
Hey there, I found you via the NaBloPoMo blogroll.
What a beautiful dog! :)
As part of NaBloPoMo I try to comment on as many participating blogs as I can, and I add participating blogs to my feed reader.
So I'm just dropping by to let you know I've added your blog to my feedreader, I'm reading you loud and clear, I have a link up going at my place so my readers can find participating blogs which you are more than welcome to add your blog link to.
Looking forward to seeing your posts, and you'll likely see me drop by again during November.
Happy NaBloPoMo to you!
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